compiled by Lydia Niehaus Takemoto
Featured topics for May, 2011:
- Letter to fans: EP Release and Free Echolocation Track Download
- Special $5 Offer and CD Recommendations
- Call for Reviews/Ratings
Letter to Fans: EP Release and Free Echolocation Track Download
"Midnight Swim" now available
for free download from
Soundcloud |
Dear Loyal Fans,
We’d like to thank you all for your supporting our musical endeavors, and we’re proud to announce that as of May 1, 2011, our first exclusive EP
Beauty in an Empty Glass will be available through most major online distributors, including Amazon, iTunes, CDBaby, and more.
To mark this occasion, we’ve decided to put forth a
free mp3 download of one of our unreleased tracks, “Midnight Swim,” as a token of our appreciation for your continuing support. This track will be available from Massa's SoundCloud page through until May 31st. We hope you enjoy it.
Love and Peace,
Massa Takemoto and Tetsuroh Konishi (Echolocation)
Special $5 offer
Beauty in an Empty Glass on CDBaby
Self-released EP for $5
from CDBaby's Sale bin. |
Beginning April 29, 2011, we have added our EP,
Beauty in an Empty Glass, to CDBaby’s $5 Sale. For those of you who don't know, CDBaby is an online do-it-yourself distribution channel for independent artists, and it allows unique, aspiring musicians to distribute their music without "The Industry." This $5 discount is available to CDBaby shoppers who purchase
three or more physical CDs that have been made available – at the discretion of the respective artist – in the distributor’s SALE BIN. But choose wisely! At least three CDs in your cart must be from the Sale Bin to be eligible for the discount, and only the Sale Bin CDs will be marked down. All other CDs in your cart will be full price.
Echolocation’s Recommendations
If you want to take advantage of this special but don't have any particular artists in mind, here are some awesome CDs featured in CDBaby’s Sale Bin that we highly recommend:
And if you're still at a loss, we could always recommend Massa's solo album,
desert island mix, which is also listed in the Sale Bin.
Call for Reviews/Ratings
At this time, we would like those of you who have
Beauty in an Empty Glass to leave some feedback on distribution sites like Amazon, iTunes, etc. It doesn't have to be much – a simple star ranking will suffice – but we would love to hear from you. Also, we assume that if you're following us then you must like our stuff, but please be honest, objective, and focus on the music. If there's something you don't like, let us know. It's better for us as a band to grow (not to mention useful for potential buyers) to know what you really think of the CD – good
or bad. What we really want to know is what you think of the tunes. Are they chill enough? Composed well? How does the music make you
feel? Are the tracks too long/short? That sort of thing.
Thanks in advance!
Massa and Tetsuroh