Featured topics for September, 2011:
- Special notice for September
- Beauty in an Empty Glass on SomaFM's Sonic Universe
- Special thanks for questionnaire participants
Special notice for September
We'd like to apologize for our lack of updates this past month, but as some of you might know from our Facebook and Twitter updates, Massa is in the middle of moving at the moment. (He also managed to sprain his back in the process, but we're pleased to report that he's doing much better now.) As such, updates will continue to be sparse until mid to late September. However, Echolocation is still working strong on a few new projects, including one in the works with our friends at Peacelounge, and we hope to deliver some news on those soon.
In the meantime, for all of you who downloaded or got our CD through a source other than CDBaby, we've been thinking it unfair that you didn't have a chance to participate in the questionnaire-download campaign. As an alternative, we're extending the track giveaway to anyone who rates or reviews the album on Amazon

We're proud to note that our CD has been getting some good airplay SomaFM's Sonic Universe this past month, as DJ Nitya has put three of our tracks into his rotation. We'd like to extend our thanks and support to Sonic Universe and all of its listeners. We hope you enjoy the tunes!
Special Thanks
As of August 31, 2011, our questionnaire special free-track giveaway has expired. We'd like to thank all of you who have contributed by giving us your feedback, and hope you enjoyed your free download of "Limelight"!
Love and Peace,
Massa and Tetsuroh

Your input is much appreciated, and we intend to act on as much of it as possible. For instance, some of you have indicated that it we should provide a link to our blog on the album cover. While it's too late to include it in the CD material itself, we've attached QR code stickers (as pictured to the right) to the shrink wrap on the CDs we have here in stock. Once our inventory already at CDBaby moves out, future shipments will include the stickered version.
Of course, there is a lot more great advice, especially regarding the music, and we intend to take it all under consideration for our future releases. Thanks again, and we hope to continue receiving your feedback in the future.
Massa and Tetsuroh